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Creative Clusters Vitamin Sea

Creative Clusters Vitamin Sea

Gurraneasig National School have been chosen to take part in a two year initiative called Creative Clusters. Creative Clusters aims to enable the creativity of every child and young person. Our Creative Cluster consists of 4 other schools collaborating to address a common issue or challenge. Our theme for this cycle is Vitamin Sea. We will have many different visits and learning opportunities as part of this project.

Our first visit was from Geraldine who taught us all about weaving. We then used our weaving skills to help us when we were working with Elaine and Katie.

The middle and Senior Rooms have been busy during beach clean ups. They collected lots of Rubbish from our local beach Howe’s strand.

Katie and Elaine from Wise Water came to teach the classes about the importance of looking after our sea and the damage litter can do to sea animals. We used our weaving skills to weave some of the rubbish into the net to show what we have saved from being washed into the sea. All the children loved being part of this experience which will be on display in our yard.

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