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Maths Week 2024

Maths Week 2024

We had lots of fun maths activities in Gurraneasig this week for Maths Week 2024!

The Senior room went to the Middle and Junior room to play lots of different maths games.

Senior Room playing maths games with the Junior Room
playing snap
Senior room and Middle Room playing maths games

In the Junior Room we had a special visitor- Dermath our maths mascott. Dermath came to the Junior Room for the week to learn all about math’s. He brought a maths joke and a challenge each day!

We played lots of other fun maths games and did lots of fun math’s activities.

Exploring 2D shapes

We finished maths week with a whole school Kahoot. The children were in teams and had to work together and answer fun maths questions. Great fun was had by all!

Groups were made up from the Junior room, Middle Room and Senior Room.
Working together to answer maths questions!
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