January 2024 Newsletter

18 January 2024
Dear Parents/Guardians.
Athbhliain faoi shéan is faoi mhaise daoibh go léir!
I would like to extend a warm Happy New Year to everybody and hope that 2024 is a healthy & prosperous year for us all.
Parent Teacher Meetings:
Arrangements for Parent Teacher Meetings have been confirmed and will take place on the 30th and 31st of this month. You will be contacted by relevant class teachers regarding meeting times.
School Closures – Spring Term:
Please note the school will be closed on Monday 5th February for St. Bridget’s Day, and Thursday 15th & Friday 16th February for mid-term break. School will be closed on Monday 18th March for St. Patrick’s Day. School will close at 12pm on Friday March 22nd for the two week Easter Holiday break. We will reopen on Monday April 8th.
Open Day:
Our Open Day for 2024-2025 prospective students will be on 8th February 2024 at 2:15pm. Junior Infants, Senior Infants and 1st class will finish at 2pm to facilitate this. Please spread the word to any prospective parents, playschools, creches, childminders,etc. Thank you to the PA for our new signs!
Board of Management:
Please welcome the members of our newly formed Board of Management for the next 4 year term:
Mrs. Mary O’Driscoll, Mrs. Maeve Tighe, Ms. Laura White, Mrs. Anne Madden, Mrs. Ursula McClosky, Mr. Hugh Barry, Mrs. Joanne Chambers, and Mr. Jonny Vincent.
The school underwent a Subject Inspection in Geography at the start of this academic year. We were very happy with the feedback from the inspector and expect the written report to be published shortly. We will share the link with you as soon as it becomes available.
Recent Events:
The staff and children had great festive fun in the run up to the holidays and put together some lovely performances at the Christmas fair. Many thanks to the PA for their efforts and a very special thank you to Ruth, Helen, Roisin, and Michelle who went above and beyond to organise a very enjoyable and memorable event.
Our Student Council has been formed and consists of the following students: Tuathlaith McMahon, Meghan Minihane, Hannah Cochrane, Ruan Syrowatka, Alfie O’Brien, Mae McEvoy, Winnie Reid, and Ryan Farrell The Student Council are very active and must be commended for their help during the recent Christmas Fair.
A special “Gracias” to Oscar who has completed the Say Yes to Languages Programme with the Middle and Senior Rooms. The children really enjoyed his lessons, and it is so beneficial for them to experience Spanish at this young age.
A special mention for our ‘Cubers’
We have a cohort of students who are competing at Rubix Cube competitions and are doing extraordinarily well. Their lunchtime practice sessions are phenomenal. Well done Cormac, Oscar, Jamie, Hannah, Tristan and Ruan!
Upcoming Events:
For the next 4 weeks the children will be enjoying tennis with our instructor, Alan. Conor Murray has graciously offered his talents teaching table tennis for the next 4 weeks with the Middle and Senior room.
Cormac, Ryan, Oscar and Elliot will represent the school at the upcoming Credit Union Quiz.
We have three children receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation this year: Mae, Meghan, and Ryan. The Service of Light will take place on February 28th.
We have a packed term ahead with Soccer tournaments and Athletics upcoming.
Water Project:
The school’s water project is progressing and a sub committee was appointed by the Board of Management to oversee the next stage. Hopefully we will have significant progress to report shortly.
Cold Weather:
As we are well into the winter season, the weather is definitely colder and wetter. Some children don’t enjoy wearing jackets or coats. Please consider thermals under their uniform if a jacket or coat is not preferred.
Please check the website for the most up to date policies. The Code of Behaviour Policy and the Anti-Bullying Policy have been recently updated. There is also an updated policy for Parental Complaints that will be added in the coming days.
Safer Internet Day:
Safer Internet Day (SID) is an EU wide initiative to promote a safer internet for all users, especially young people. It is promoted in Ireland by the PDST Technology in Education and Webwise. The Theme for Safer Internet Day, Tuesday, February 6th, is “Together for a Better Internet”. Please see the following link for further information: http://www.saferinternetday.ie/
The school is participating in the Cash for Clobber fundraiser with Cookstown Textile Recyclers this term. So gather up your unused clothes and help raise money for the school. Please check out their website if you require further information at http://www.cashforclobber.ie/CTRIE/Cash_for_Clobber.html All clean and dry clothes, shoes (pairs only please in a separate bag if possible), hats, gloves, handbags, and household textiles (no blankets, quilts or pillows) will be collected. Please put your recyclable items in large refuse bags. *Return the bag(s) to school on either Friday the 9th or Monday the 12th of February 2024. They will be weighed and collected on Tuesday the 13th of February 2024.
We have partnered with My Nametags to raise money as well. If you would like to purchase name tags for your child(ren), you can use the following link and the school receives 24% of what you spend. https://www.mynametags.ie/affiliate?id=14723 Please use the school ID number of 14723 rather than the school name in order for Gurraneasig to get credit.
Is mise le meas
Maeve Tighe