Middle Room Notes/Activities
Hello Middle Room children and families,
I hope you are all keeping well. I recently emailed some schoolwork and tasks to keep you occupied until the Easter holidays. Thanks for the lovely emails and photos. Keep them coming. Find your own routine and set yourself some tasks and projects to work on each week. Follow your interests and hobbies or use this time to try something new. You now have time to really get stuck into different projects at your own pace.
Try and get some reading and writing done and practice spellings and maths tables. Arts/crafts/drawing/gardening/cooking/sewing/nature study/music/dancing/boardgames are some of our favourites. Summer is coming and nature is blooming. I am looking forward to seeing those nature diaries when we return to school. Fill them with drawings, notes, comments and anything else you notice or find interesting from your backyard to the beach or forest.
Maybe you could focus on some citizen science with your family. Biodiversity Ireland are always delighted to get records of nature sightings . Check out their citizen science portal at biodiversityireland.ie. Maybe just look at what’s in your garden and home vicinity at the moment.
Also they just launched this great little information video suitable for all the family on identifying and recording common bumblebees. https://www.biodiversityireland.ie/identifying-irish-bumblebees/lesson.html
It’s also a good time for foraging around the garden or woods and learning about plants and their various uses. Check out the nettles tops at the moment. I made a tasty soup with garlic and nettles and some green nettle paint. Any other ideas?
I know we all miss our friends and other family members but it’s important we follow the advice of our government at this time and lie low. Just email me at the middle room email address if you need any guidance. I will always get back to you.
Slán go Fóill, Ms Niamh Mc Grath